
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

wednesday pause

Slowly easing back into things ...

january 4 & 5 selfies:

total geek, i know ... matching hats made over the break


The Impossible Project's PUSH color film ... so far, my images come out magneta


actually a ATC (i have been mailing a piece of art out every week - snail mail rules!)

and taking time for reflecting:

Not bad for a first week back.

How about you? How's the new year treating you so far?


  1. Thank you so much for the lovely snail mail card and ATC. It really brightened my day!! Like you I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I feel very rusty blogging and attempting anything creative after a few months away. Hopefully it will all come back to me and begin to feel more natural.

    Has Cowgirl lost her tooth yet?

  2. If this is "slowly easing back into things" you are going to accomplish A LOT this year! I love riding in the back seat of your creative journey :)

  3. ~look at you go...a fresh new year filled with limitless possiblities already coming to be in your days...mailing art a week...sounds fun and a way to remain creative!!! i l♥ve the matching hats you have made...i am wanting to lear to knit a hat...just need to try!!! i hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday and may this new year continue to open new exciting doors that send your spirit soaring...much love light and blessings be with you~

  4. I will join you in self portraits.. email me with details..


  5. oh how i love polariods.... like your self-portrait idea too and matching knit hats are the best! if only I could knit! and i admire your sending on an art card a week. i have one of your cards from the Wish Studio swap! and just so you know, I've thrown in the towel on submitting my sketchbook project journal! i'll finish the journal but i'm no longer worried about making the deadline! :-)

  6. As always, so much inspiring goodness here! Love all your beautiful creations:) Looks like a lovely week back.

  7. Oh shoot. Did 2011 start already? Where have I been?! Looks like you are diving in with some lovely projects! I think I may have to stay in denial of the new year and the end of the holidays until next week :)

    Love that top selfie. Oh and the Polaroid, of course :) BTW, replied to your comment on my blog. When I reply on there... does it notify you? I am such a newb :P


  8. What a productive week! I love the matching hats. The ear photo is so special.
    Namaste, Gina XO

  9. Ok so I joined you and linked back to you for self portraits.. love Karen

  10. Hi seems like your new year is off to a wonderfull start!! I just love those matching hats...the pic is so endearing and speaks volumes of the relationship you have with Cowgirl. She is getting so big BTW...every time I see a new pic she had just leaped up to being more grown-up !! Yikes! I also love your self portrait-your photogarphy is really taking on an air of mystery. Sending you lots of love across the miles.Oh! Before I forget, can you tell me if you have taken the Unravelling e-course. I really want to take it but...we have so much going in a hotel right now!!! May not be the best time!! xxx

  11. looks and sounds like your new year is off to a great start! :)

  12. Hi again Lis,
    I hope you've found the energy you were lacking at the beginning of the year / end of last. I was exactly the same - had crammed so much into parts of 2010 that there wasn't enough energy to see me through to the end of it. Christmas was quiet but good, and I now feel raring to go. Hope you do too. I love your matching hats! Also love the art journal pages. Wishing you a year full of Wonderful!
    Janice. x
