Friday, August 15, 2014

When creative is spiritual & spiritual is creative

A rare treat last week was a super indulgent and nourishing chat (via Skype) with a fellow creative sister, mentor, and friend. With all of the forms of social networking, it is amazing how rare true conversation and connection can be.  So when it does happen (a magic alchemy of time + presence + passion) I like to luxuriate in its afterglow.

One topic that came up and which has been dipping in and out of my conscious is how spiritual practice and creative practice are one and the same for me.  As is often the case with the deepest truths, this one bubbled up without me realizing how truly foundational and essential it is to who I am and what I do.  What is so valuable about a conversation - a real exchange versus the monologues I am so good at (yes, even when I jog, I have a running commentary going in my head!) - is having a wise and perceptive friend say "Wait a minute ... back up ... can you explain what you mean by that?"

Yes, well ... ahem ... let me see ...

So I've been thinking about this central fact of my being: that my creative practice and my spiritual practice are really one and the same.  I believe I said something about them feeling the same; that in both instances I am connecting with Source and dropping into Flow. What this means to me is remembering myself Whole through practices that take me outside of my limited thinking/known self and lead me into encounters with an experience of Self that is richer and larger than what I could have imagined.  In both cases, I am seeking to strengthen Trust and Faith. In art is it about trusting I will be guided forward as long as I am showing up full present, attentive, and willing to listen to the guidance of intuition/heart/source.  Necessary is faith that such guidance will turn up!

all these paintings are works - or rather, conversations - in progress

This is true in spiritual practice: I am learning to listen and trust what comes up for me is in service of my highest good.  Both practice are about cultivate deep presence and attentiveness. Mindfulness is the foundation - and the intention - in both practices.

Creative & spiritual action are also about gratitude, celebration, and love.  In spiritual practice, I may make prayers, offerings, create sacred spaces to remind myself of that which guides and supports me. My art is another expression of gratitude and thanks.  

In both practices, I seek understanding and insight into my life, how I am to proceed on this path and what is my work -  my vital and individual contribution -  to this world.  In spiritual practice I am given insight through journey work, dreams, and through sharing my experiences with others in a variety of circle gatherings.  I share with the hope of providing insight or support for another; what often happens - which is the real gift - is in doing so, others feel safe or inspired to share their stories and in turn I am enlightened and informed.  

When I create, I often do so without any preconceived idea of what it is I am making.  I may have an initial impulse or desire - to paint my dog, to put down a piece of a dream, a story - but then I  attempt to surrender to a partnership with Source or creative inspiration. I say attempt because it isn't easy to override a lifelong impulse to control; but when it does happen - slipping into Flow is how it feels to me - I am shown things I never knew before.  Understanding or vision is expanded, new connected made, and I learn and grow through the exchange.  

Both are journeys. As I understand it, there is really only One Journey, just different strides, different modes of traveling down the path. Showing up and saying Yes, that is all that is required. How we each express and reflect that cosmic Yes is unique and highly personal and thank goodness for it being so!  

I Am So Glad

Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.

Become like a man who is Awestruck
And Nourished

Listening to a Golden Nightingale
Sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.

Who can you tell in this world
That when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
You lean down and whisper in its ear,

I am so glad You are happy to see me.
I am so glad,
So very glad You have come.
-Hafiz (from I Heart God Laughing, translations by Daniel Ladinsky)
Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.
Become like a man who is Awestruck
And Nourished
Listening to a Golden Nightingale
Sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.
Who can you tell in this world
That when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
You lean down and whisper in its ear,
I am so glad You are happy to see me.
I am so glad,
So very glad You have come.”
- See more at:
Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.
Become like a man who is Awestruck
And Nourished
Listening to a Golden Nightingale
Sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.
Who can you tell in this world
That when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
You lean down and whisper in its ear,
I am so glad You are happy to see me.
I am so glad,
So very glad You have come.”
- See more at:
Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.
Become like a man who is Awestruck
And Nourished
Listening to a Golden Nightingale
Sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.
Who can you tell in this world
That when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
You lean down and whisper in its ear,
I am so glad You are happy to see me.
I am so glad,
So very glad You have come.”
- See more at: 


  1. I so get creativity and spiritual practice being one and the same. I went to art school late in life and felt that I had arrived home. Creativity is that sweet spot where all of life's experience and emotion fit as one cohesive whole. Nothing is wasted, nothing rejected. Time and time again I feel that regenerative power of letting go, diving deep into the subconscious and floating in a sea of possibility and imagination.

  2. ahhhhhhh. thats me big sigh of recognition and yes. so so much yes.
