I:30 Perception of our true nature is often obscured by physical, mental, and emotional imbalances.
I:31 These imbalances can promote restlessness, uneven breathing, worry, and loss of hope.
I:32 These imbalances can be prevented from engaging by developing loyalty to a sacred practice.
I:34 Slow, easeful exhalations can be used to restore and preserve balance.
I:39 Or dedicate yourself to anything that elevates and embraces your heart.
(The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as interpreted by Nischala Joy Devi in The Secret Power of Yoga)
If emotions are like the weather,
Then an early tornado season
Has appeared in my
Seven day outlook
Morning start off
Clear skies
Fluffy clouds
Still and calm
But as my day proceeds
Hot winds arrive
Stirring things up
Making for volatility
In emotional patterns
Dark clouds move in
The air becomes electric
The absence of bird song
Augurs dangerous storm cells
And even though I know
I am in a precarious state of mind
Still it is shocking
How quickly skies turn
Blue to black to a
Sickly green
Sirens breaking my spell
Shocking me into the realization
That all is not well
In tornado weather
One needs to be on the ready
To find safe shelter
At any given time
Secured rooms
Spaces away from breakable glass
And objects that can shatter
And be sent flying
I have learned
Not to deny my stormy patterns
And to acknowledge
They are a powerful force
That need be respected
And given ample space
To vent its energy
Painful to live through,
To berate myself for my seasons of
Does nothing to ease the
Nor change the necessity
For release of whatever
Seems to build up
It is just energy
The byproduct
Of growth, change,
Pushing myself towards
The edges of what is possible
I try not to despair
For overwhelming as the winds may feel,
Within the context of seasons
I know these storms represent
My struggle to transcend
To a new level
And integration isn’t always smooth,
Some things need be surrendered
So that peace and understanding
Can flow in
I try to remember this
While retreating to my internal basement
Covering up
Holding on
And making sure the ones I love
Are safely secured
Away from any threat of damage
My storms may bring
And so I practice
Patience and trust
Hanging on
With fingers cramping
Nerves frayed
Knowing the prize that awaits
Me if I can endure:
A radiant sky,
Clear vision,
A fresh outlook,
As the charge of possibility
And new beginnings
That always fills the air
After any storm.
Brilliance and forgiving clarity shines from these words. I hope you stay gentle with yourself as you experience your passionate not-this-ness.
ReplyDeleteThis is WONDER-FULL!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful writing, I could feel all those things as you spoke them, knowing exactly that pent-up energy needing to be released. What clarity of vision these words were, visceral and open.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments today too. What nice things
you said.
Beautiful words and photos Lis...
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