What to do when the funky funk strikes? In the sage words of Fearless Painter and my art guru Connie:
Just push some paint around!
Cowgirl and I participated in the mini-workshop The Things They Say with Kelly Warren, one of many fantastic courses available on 21 Secrets. (Psst ... you still can register and join in on the fun!) I love the way Kelly developed an art journaling project that engages her young daughters while also commemorating the wonderfully inventive and often wacky ideas and sayings of children. Not only is it a brilliant way to get down all those memories you don't want to forget (and let's face it, the memories keep heaping themselves upon our poor brains and I know my memory banks are pretty darn full!), but it also serves to validate and honor the unique perspective of our children.

Cowgirl and I rolled up our sleeves and took over the dining room floor for a much needed afternoon of art therapy. Cowgirl's page is about the rocket ship she's been asking me for - enough seats to take everyone she loves to the moon or Mars. She explains "when we aren't using it, we can keep it in the garage."

I was wanting to remember our failed summer garden and all the plants we tried to grow but which the rabbits enjoyed feasting upon. No high art here, but just relaxed fun. I've been spinning my wheels lately, so pushing paint around on the paper was all I needed to get the juices flowing and open up some much needed space within.

How about you? What do you do to fight the funk?
Great post! Love that last picture- what a fabulous way to paint together. Funks are tricky. When I'm in a funk I usually crave stillness/solitude/me time so I go within with meditation, prayer, stream of consciousness writing and that sort of thing. Or I doodle or cross-stitch. They are both so meditative they seem to release me from the funk. Completely depends on the situation though.
ReplyDeleteOh, such sweet images!!!!! Sometimes I fight funks by making "mix tapes". I guess they are technically "mix cd's" in this day in age, and sometimes they don't even make it out of iTunes, so they are just "mixes". hahahahaha Those are for general funks, not necessarily creative ones. It's hard to be in a funk though when you go on a search for your all time favorite songs though.
ReplyDeleteFor creative funks sometimes I like to turn my funk on its head and ask myself to paint the ugliest painting ever. Or try a new technique.
oh nothing quite like crafting to push the funk away. yesterday I was really tired and tempted to let the kids skip our mixed media class. I mean we are homeschooling and it is such an elective class, who is going to know if we made something or not? BUt I decided to look online for a craft to do and in minutes found this fun necklace project. We picked out papers, paper punched, glued, beaded and by the end we had that time together, it was fun, I didn't even feel tired anymore... crafting really does improve lives!!!
ReplyDeleteI just love that last photo of your daughter before the paints. imagine the possibilities for her little mind and hands. the space is there, the opportunity is there, the support is there, such a great environment for her creativity to blossom. You are awesome Momma!
perfect way to get out of a funk! i'm glad you guys enjoyed the project. i too love that last picture of cowgirl on the floor stretched out with all her fun stuff. your pages look great! my girls and i are hopping to finally jump into some of the class this weekend.