We actually did have a blizzard warning this past weekend. The actual snowfall was slight, but the steady, high winds pretty much shut everything down. It was actually a blessing given the abundance of started projects cluttering up the house - and my brain. For what I am noticing is the more I do and the busier I get, the greater the flow of new ideas that bubble up in my consciousness. Does anyone else have this happen? One idea leads to another which would be wonderful except the new idea appears while I am in the middle of another project! The challenge it seems, is to know when to seize hold of the inspiration and run with it even if that means disrupting other work; and when to hold tight, trusting my resources and enthusiasm will not wane and the project will happen in due time.

I think it's called "The Da Vinci Effect." (you know, Leonardo began a lot of projects and never really completed anything - at least to his satisfaction.)

So right now I am scrambling to complete many projects while jotting down the ideas that seem to be bubbling up like clouds in an unstable air mass. (DId I just insult myself?) I am finding creativity is equal parts inspiration, discipline, and stick-to-it-ness. I find myself lounging in the recliner about to watch an episode of "Lost" (yes, we never watched the series when it was on and now are up to season 4; "Spooks" a.k.a "MI5" is another favorite series of the moment) and realizing I can run upstairs to get my knitting. I lounge a minute longer and then recall how pleasurable it will be when I can see my progress after an hour and that gets me out of my chair and grabbing the needles and yarn. And so I finished Cowgirl's sweater which she loves:

Here she is eating her morning egg. She would eat a hard boiled egg every morning if I let her. She does not eat the yolks but she does cover them in copious amounts of black pepper. I have never known a child to love pepper the way she does! I will look over and see her food blackened by a layer of pepper and even though I always think she couldn't possibly eat that - she gobbles it up.
I managed to get a few cards out in the mail and the law of karma held true as I received this lovely card from Anne at Songbird Sisters:

i am so excited to be developing a Buddha-themed collection of art images!
And even more mail goodness came my way as I this arrived today from the U.K. from a Squam cabinmate Nicola:

Changing the World
I am officially a calendar girl - and I got to keep my clothes on! (That's me in the middle the last morning at Squam taking in the sunrise - the morning after my skinny dip!) Nicola is a fantastic photographer and wickedly witty blogger and I am honored to receive a calendar full of her glorious images.
Speaking of images ... it has been challenging taking pictures these days. The constant cloud cover means less than inspiring light but I am nothing if not disciplined (thank you Yoga for years of mat practice) and I've tried my best to participate in december views:

This later image was inspired by a poem that seemingly popped into my head as I was driving home from yoga class (see what I mean about inspiration manifesting everywhere?)
You fold into my arms
nesting your warm, animal body
against mine
feeling the heat of you
all anxieties, worries and concerns
puddle away
leaving behind
the flame of Love:
the glow of being loved
and the radiance of holding, knowing and loving
Is inspiration finding me? Or is it by regularly exercising my creative muscles, I am moving through the world with sharper senses and a wider perspective? Even this drawing by Cowgirl gets my juices flowing:

How do you tend to your creative muscles need for regular exercise? Now is the season to begin anew!
Ooh! I'm just as excited to see my postcard on your blog!
ReplyDeleteCowgirl's sweater looks great! I love the color combo and the buttons!
Love, love, love your Monday posts! Well, I love all of them, but it's wonderful to get an inside glimpse into your creative life and my Mondays can always use a blast of inspiration. Especially on this icy day of transportation woes...
ReplyDeleteMy humble Monday offering here:
Lis, I never know where to start my comments! So much in each post - beauty and wisdom.
ReplyDeleteSwirly and awe-inspiring, just like a blizzard. Brilliant, refreshing....
Your creations, as always, are gorgeous. On a light note, we're considering doing the season DVD's of Lost as well as we never watched it either! I'm sure I'd love it, just afraid to commit to more t.v.!
Oh so much to say...I'll just have to send the vibes your way knowing you'll pick up on them. :)
Oh my do I relate?! My mom asked me this weekend if I had a new painting planned (been on a sick bunny break). I couldn't help but laugh and answer, "I have about 100 paintings planned!" I get inspired constantly. Which is lovely, but of course can be overwhelming and things do tend to get pushed to the backburner and sometimes forgotten. Still, a lot better than painter's block I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteLis, you seem to accomplish so much! (Like that fabulous sweater!) I really admire your discipline and creativity. Your blog has become one of my favorites and I constantly find myself stopping by to see what you're up to and soak up a bit of that Monday inspiration :)
WOW!!!! This post sparked so many thoughts and ideas - just reading it! Hahahahahah And I totally get that "middle in the project get another idea thing" (I think another name for it is middle-of-the-project-ideatosis). OMG. I am going to take a picture of the way our house looks at the end of Christmas - it looks like Santa's Workshop, if Santa drank RedBull and absynthe that is (I have never had absynthe, but you know what I mean)!
ReplyDeleteAnd I LOVE that you are a calendar girl and even got to keep your clothes on! Way to go :)
Much love to you!
That sweater you made Cowgirl is gorgeous and she's so adorable in it that it's almost too much to take in! Can you make me one in my size? ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks so much for the link to the Elk info - I really found it fascinating - I may need to print and put in my art journal for reference!
I got my calendar, too, and it's amazing. Will you sign my calendar for me, calendar girl?
One last thig, you get so much up on your posts and done creatively all while juggling the everyday parts of life - it's mind boggling how wonderful you are! WHEW!
Big hugs,
the sweater is GREAT! she's a lucky girl!
ReplyDeleteLovely Lis, sorry I have been somewhat absent from the web recently, I have so missed your gorgeous posts but have set aside time this morning to catch up. Sitting here with a cup of good strong coffee and a mince pie, reading your blog post-bliss:) I looooove the grumpy cat card. Lots of love, Milena